Are you homeless or at risk of becoming homeless?
Entry Point is the suburban Cook County-wide program connecting people with resources.Evaluate
What to expect during your call or visit.
If you are about to become homeless, newly homeless, or just need help accessing services:
Suburban Cook Call Center – 1-877-426-6515 8:30 am-4:30 pm Monday & Friday
8:30 am-7:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Step 1 – Trained intake specialists ask standard questions to determine your immediate needs, please let them know if you need accessibility accommodations or translation services.
Step 2 – Based on your situation, the intake specialist may provide a referral or, they may provide information about emergency shelter or other services such as domestic violence, youth services, Veteran services, food pantries or legal aid.
Step 3 – If you receive a homelessness prevention referral, a homeless prevention case manager will contact you within 3 business days to verify eligibility and match you to available resources.
- Receiving a referral does not guarantee financial assistance.
- You will be required to provide documentation about your situation.
Step 4 – If you receive a stability services referral, a stability services case manager will contact you within 1 business day to troubleshoot alternative solutions or community resources to address your crisis and avoid homelessness.
Step 5 – If you are imminently homeless and there is not an immediate safe solution to your homeless crisis, the stability services case manager will help connect you to emergency shelter and describe the next steps in the Entry Point standardized assessment process.
If you are homeless and staying at shelter or already working with a street outreach worker:
Step 1 – Shelter/daytime support center or street outreach staff will complete your Entry Point Standardized Assessment when you let them know you would like help getting stable housing.
- Asks questions about your housing situation to identify which housing or services best serve your level of need.
- Housing programs have different eligibility rules and the assessment determines if you are eligible for the various programs.
- If you are eligible and openings are available, housing options may include community-based, transitional housing, short-term rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing programs.
Step 2 – Entry Point matches eligible individuals with the most severe needs who have been homeless longest to housing openings first.
Step 3 – An Entry Point assessment does not guarantee housing, but staff will work with you to try to resolve your crisis.
If you are a Veteran experiencing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless:
Intake specialists at Edward Hines Jr VA Hospital can quickly determine your Veteran eligibility status. If you are eligible for VA funded homeless services, you will be connected to the appropriate VA program. If you are not eligible for VA funded homeless services, you will be connected to suburban Cook County homeless services.
Veterans may be evaluated for homeless services at any Entry Point access location but are encouraged to go to Hines VA because of the abundance of resources available to eligible Veterans and their families.
If you are fleeing domestic violence and experiencing a housing crisis:
Please find a safe space and contact a local domestic violence agency or the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Trained staff will help ensure your safety. Housing and other resource needs can be addressed once you are safe.
If you are under age 25:
If you are between the ages of 18-24, you can be assessed for housing at any Entry Point access location or at agencies specializing in youth focused services. Staff at any of these agencies will discuss your needs and connect you to services and can also complete your Entry Point standardized assessment.
If you are under 18 years old, staff at any Entry Point access location or at agencies specializing in youth focused services will connect you to the help you need.